Friday, March 27, 2009

15th year High School reunion

Just found out today that Aug. 1st is my high school reunion. I didn't go to my 10th year reunion cuz of my weight I don't want my weight to be the reason why I don't go this time. So, now I am going to have to work my butt off even harder. So here is the break down I weight alot. I have 18 weeks or 125 days either way it is not very long. I am a women on a mission.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My night

Just got out of the ER. My back and chest were tight I could hardly move my right arm. Ok for you who don't know I was in a car wreck about three 1/2 years ago. It totally messed up my back, it tore up muscles and ligaments in my back, my right hip was injured too. So, everyday I am in some sorts of pain (Which I can handle) but every now and thing the pain gets to the point that I am down for the count. At the time of my car wreck the Dr. did tell me it will be an on going thing with my back. (good days, bad days) My daughter now has a bad neck due to the wreck. I don't know how or what I do to make my back get to this point. I am felling a little bit better but I have to take it easy for the next couple of days. (yeah, right I don't know what that means) I got some medicine to help, and hopefully my back will get back to not hurting so much. Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Not a good day

Today is a day after weigh in. I only Lost 1 lb. I am very discourage right now. I feel like I have done what was right. Yea, one day I went to BK but one Hamburger does not keep me from losing any weight and make me gain weight. I am mad at myself. I need to get back on track. This weather is not helping at all. I like to go for walks and it is to rainy and cold. So, tomorrow I am going to check out some gyms. I know I can do this I just need the encouragement that I got in the beginning. And maybe someone to call, text or email me asking me if I am on the right track this week.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23rd 2009

I am having a great day. Did good on my eating and exercise. I Can feel my stomach going down!!!
Had a pretty good week.

Monday, February 9, 2009

About Me

My photo
I am a out going 33 year old. Have an wonderful 13 year old. I have lived in Cornelius almost all my life. I was adopted at age 5 by my great and wonderful parents. I volunteer at my daughter's school as a teachers aide then3 days a week after school I am a after school instructor teaching kids how to bake desserts and breads. I love my job I am a Girl Scout leader been one for 6 years now.I enjoy doing this cause I can spend more time with my daughter and outdoors. I love softball, swimming any kind of sports. I was a year round athlete in high school did all sports from volleyball to track.